Friday, May 21, 2010


I was very excited to start watching this movie. I had never seen it before but I have heard many times that it is a very good movie and I was not disappointed. Although different than what we normally think of horror movies, it still is a classic. This just goes to show that you don't need lots of violence or gore to make a scary movie. Alfred Hitchcock really shone through in directing this film. Just like all of his other movies, it was suspenseful and had a bit of a twist. The acting was really really good too. Anthony Perkins did a great job not only playing one character but two. The last scene was easily the best scene in my opinion. The whole speech was very well done and his facial expressions just added to the creepiness. The ending of the skull superimposed over Norman’s face has to be one of the best closing scenes ever. Not only was that an amazing effect for its day, it is still considered very creepy and cool in the modern day. Probably the most well known scene from Psycho, the shower scene, really didn’t impress me all that much. It didn’t have any sense of realism to it. The lack of blood in the tub or on Marion and also the fact that you never see the knife actually stab her were the major faults.

I was surprised to learn about all the foreshadowing and symbolism this movie had. Everything from the shadows to the paintings had specific meaning to the movie. I think it is very interesting how the crew took the time to plan every single detail of almost every scene. It seemed like everything had significance.

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