Sunday, May 2, 2010

King Kong Reaction

Before we started watching this movie, I was expecting too much. I honestly didn't think it would be a lot different than some of the first silent movies that we watched. I will admit that I was surprised though.This is definitely a revolutionary movie. Of course the effects weren’t nearly as good as modern ones but I didn’t expect them to be as advanced as they were. Learning how complicated making the scenery was for them was also pretty crazy. I couldn’t believe that those guys had that much patience to make all of the trees and bushes, then paint even more background scenery and then after that have to line up every shot to make it all appear to be on the same plane. Another thing that I thought was interesting was the fact that Kong changed so much throughout the movie. Not only did his height change, but his face was also constantly being remolded and touched up. The stop motion method of filming is really impressive. The fact that for every one second of film, 24 pictures had to be taken to create that one second of film is astounding. The patience it must have taken to take a picture and move Kong thousands of times really shows how into this film the directors were. I found the whole ordeal with the lost spider pit scene interesting. If it was anything like Peter Jackson’s adaptation of it, it would have been a great scene to add to the movie. Overall I enjoyed the first King Kong, which really surprised me. Normally I can’t seem to get into older movies that are black and white or don’t have very good special effects, but King Kong really impressed me.


  1. I deffinately agree with your thoughts. I also thought that this was a revolutionary piece of work for their time. I think that this movie opened new doors for every other movie today.

  2. Back in the day Black and white movies didnt have special affects, so i agree that i was surprised that the original King Kong was better than most older films.
