Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

I found Cool Hand Luke to be a little bit slow, bit overall a good movie. After Luke got into his fight with Dragline the plot picked up a little bit. Until then there wasn’t much going on, just the plot being set up really. I think everyone can relate to Luke a little bit by trying to push authority. You really start to like Luke throughout the movie. His personality is one that you can really look up to as someone you aspire to be. His never give up attitude and leadership qualities are really inspiring. You want him to knockout Dragline, to eat those 50 eggs and to escape. The egg scene was a pretty interesting scene I thought. If you really look at the whole scheme of the movie, it doesn’t seem to have any real significance to the movie, but yet it is one of the most memorable scenes in the movie. Another great scene is when all the inmates are tarring the road. Just the way Luke was able to pull them all together to complete the road was really cool. Even though I found myself rooting for Luke the whole movie, I thought the ending was pretty good. I think if Luke ending up escaping and living happily ever after it would have made the movie too cliché and cheesy. Paul Newman did a great job playing Luke too. He seemed like the perfect actor for the part.

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